For the Thuringian State Office for the Environment, Mining and Nature Conservation, we developed an internet portal for the collection of raw water self-monitoring reports from public water supply organisations. The portal was launched at the beginning of 2024. The web portal offers user-friendly data collection forms for the required data. The development included the software design, the programming of the application and the installation and commissioning of the finished product in the Thuringian state data network.

Wismut GmbH

We have expanded our AL.VIS/Timeseries software to include a component for mobile field recording of measured values. It allows order processing, an "offline recording" mode in the event of a missing mobile phone connection and can be used as a progressive web app (PWA) on mobile devices under the Android, Windows or iOS operating systems.

Wismut GmbH

A software solution based on AL.VIS/Objekte was developed, installed and put into operation for Wismut GmbH for the management of safekeeping documentation and data and information on mining damage.


New Zealand

The ALVIS software package is used to collect and evaluate aerial survey data of coastal regions in New Zealand. It is used to store and categorise the identified water management objects on the coast. It is extended by a module for the storage and visualisation of LIDAR data.

State Environmental Offices in Brandenburg and Thuringia

The cooperation with the state environmental agencies in the area of managing water management objects is being continued. AL.VIS modules for water maintenance planning, for the administration of water management project data and for the perfection of the object registers are being expanded.


Wismut GmbH

Wismut GmbH commissions the WISUTEC branch of G.E.O.S. to maintain the Wismut information system for another 4 years. The system comprises a total of 25 specialised information systems, which allow extensive data and information research in a web-based network.


As part of a project of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to rehabilitate the legacy of uranium ore mining in Uzbekistan, we are supplying and installing the AL.VIS environmental information system. With its help, all environmental measurement data and technical information generated in the project will be stored and made available to the project participants.


R&D project

We are working on an R&D project together with the Fraunhofer Institute Chemnitz. In this BMBF-funded project (funding code 033LK005B), a software solution for the automatic georeferencing of scanned maps is to be developed on the basis of machine learning methods.



The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has commissioned WISUTEC to set up an Information System for the management of data and information resulting from the environmental remediation of Uranium legacy sites in Kyrgyzstan. The system will be put into operation at the Ministry of Disaster Control in Bishkek.

LfU Brandenburg

WISUTEC is developing a technical concept for the Brandenburg State Office for the Environment to redesign the software for the management of biotope and planotope data.

Wismut GmbH

As part of the support of the Wismut Environmental Information System AL.VIS/W, WISUTEC is changing the management of the coordinates of all relevant specialist topics (environmental monitoring, land parcel management, remediation) from GK 4/5 to ETRS/UTM 33/32.



The Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) uses our software AL.VIS/Timeseries to manage time series resulting from geotechnical measurements. Our software extension for the automatic calculation of time series is also used. This enables the user to implement his own calculation routines.

LfU Brandenburg

For the information platform ‘Water’ of the LfU Brandenburg, the object register of the water management systems is completed by us. The software application for managing data for the Water Framework Directive will be switched to the 3rd management cycle.

Research and development

WISUTEC participates in a workshop organized by the IAEA in Almaty (Kazakhstan). We present our results from the TRANSPOND R & D project to participants from Central Asia. Our software solution for management Information on radioactively contaminated mining legacies is aroused great interest. Our results were also presented at the opening of the CLIENT II office in Almaty.

Research and development

The WISUTEC Umwelttechnik GmbH has invited project partners from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan to a workshop in Germany to inform about the achieved state of the development of the transnational environmental information system within the framework of the TRANSPOND project. During the 3-day workshop, WISUTEC presented the software solution developed within the framework of the TRANSPOND project for the management of environmental information on radioactively contaminated mining legacies to the project partners. The guests from Central Asia could inform themselves about details of the software architecture, the requirements for use and the planned contents of the system and train the handling themselves. > BMBF News (external Link)


Saxon Mining Office

WISUTEC participates in the development of the new Saxon mining information system BIS.SAX. The important modules for the data management for all mining legacies are developed by our company and will be part of the new system.

AL.VIS Workshop

On June 7, 2018, our workshop "AL.VIS Software Package" was successfully held. We would like to thank all customers and interested parties from the fields of water management, environmental protection and mining / mining refurbishment for the participation, the constructive discussions as well as the practical contributions from different organizations.


LFU Brandenburg

The software solution AL.VIS / Objects is implemented for the LfU Brandenburg as part of the water information platform. AL.VIS / Objects is used to manage data on hydraulic engineering projects and runs with the Web-GIS cardo 4.

Wismut GmbH / Projektträger

For managing the rehabilitation activities of old sites of uranium mining in Saxony, WISUTEC develops and implements an object cadaster and a project database based on AL.VIS / Objects. WISUTEC also provides a web-based application for managing approvals.

LFU Brandenburg

The software solution AL.VIS / Timeseries is put into operation for the LfU Brandenburg as part the information platform ‘Water’. The software solution works with the Web-GIS cardo 4 and allows the analysis of the spatial situation on the basis of extensive GIS topics, in addition to the search for measurement data in river and stand water bodies.

Thüringer Landesanstalt für Umwelt und Geologie

The TLUG will use the software solution AL.VIS / Objects for the management of data on hydraulic engineering projects. The WISUTEC provides services for data migration and adapts the software solution to the customer-specific requirements.


Wismut GmbH

We are working on the modernization of the environmental database of Wismut GmbH. All software applications are converted to ASP.NET technology. This ensures future browser independence in the use of the environmental database.

LfU Brandenburg

WISUTEC is developing the central data models for storing the information on the water management objects and the measured values in the groundwater and surface water for the information platform ‘Water’ of the LfU Brandenburg, which is currently under construction. The data models of the existing software applications AL.VIS / Objects and AL.VIS / Timeseries serve as a basis.


We participate in the R & D collaborative project "Distributed sensor network for the monitoring of slopes". The aim of the research project is the development of a wireless sensor network consisting of a multiplier sensor node and a sensor head for detecting ground shifts. The detection of the ground displacement is realized via a multi-sensor system with localization function. On the basis of extensive field investigations, the function and the potential for use of the measuring system are to be demonstrated at different application scenarios (opencast mining, coastal section). Our software AL.VIS / Timeseries forms the basis for the information center. The project is supported by the BMBF (promotion code 16ES0352). Projektwebseite


Research and development project

WISUTEC is a joint partner in the research and development project „CLIENT – Managing Water Resources for Urban Catchments“. The overall objective is to develop a water resource management system to sustainably improve the water quality in the city of Chaohu and Lake Chaohu in the People’s Republic of China. This is done by implementing the „Urban Water Resources Management“ (UWRM) concept, which includes efficient urban and suburban water management as well as including interactions of aquatic ecosystems. WISUTEC has been charged in the overall project with the development of an early warning system on the basis of online-measurements in and around Lake Chaohu. This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Grant number 02WCL1337J).

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Saxon Mining Authority

Development of a new module for the mining cadastre of the Saxon Mining Authority. With this module geometric and object data as well as georeferenced data of mine plans and legacy objects may be transferred and administered in the system. Via a connected Web-GIS, data may be researched.

Wismut GmbH

Development and running of a web based software module for the administration of lot information for the Wismut GmbH. The module works with a web-GIS, supported by routines to illustrate workflows of sales or purchases, and it shows lot information in the context of other data (remediated objects, monitoring points, operational units etc.).


Wismut GmbH

WISUTEC provides a software for the Wismut GmbH for the automated data transfer from radiological data of data loggers. This is based on the AL.VIS/Timeseries software created by WISUTEC

Landestalsperrenverwaltung Saxony

Implementation of a new version of our AL.VIS/timeseries software (based on .NET and PostgreSQL/PostGIS) for the client.

LfULG Saxony

WISUTEC was commissioned with the development of a concept for the implementation of a digitization and catalogue system for the state geological archive of the client.

Landestalsperrenverwaltung Saxony

WISUTEC was commissioned with the development and extension of the object database which is used for the management of water maintenance plans according to the EC Water Framework Directive.


Wismut GmbH

A .NET based system for the management of permits in Wismut GmbH is developed.

Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt

Development of a web-based application for managing imagery data. The application implements interfaces to other specialized applications and provides a web-service for cross-application search.


Thüringer Landesanstalt für Umwelt und Geologie

WISUTEC developed a database system for budgetary planning and project management in the field of hydraulic engineering. This software solution covers the monitoring of current activities, the management of funding projects and the resource planning for the next years.

research and development project

WISUTEC supplies the data management solution for time series based on AL.VIS/Timeseries in the project “Development of technologies for automatic recognition of tube deposits in wells for drinking water”..

LUGV Brandenburg

WISUTEC was charged with the development of a concept regarding the sustainable improvement of water data management.


Thüringer Landesanstalt für Umwelt und Geologie

Installation and maintenance of a web portal for the management of data and information of flood protection projects.

University of Freiberg

Implementation of a database for Lithium resources worldwide. The application is based on Oracle and uses a web-GIS. Additionally to overall data about the resources lab analysis data are stored and processed.

Thüringer Landesanstalt für Umwelt und Geologie

WISUTEC developed a data model for the storage of soil related data. Several forms for data logging were implemented.


Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling Company

Implementation of an Online-Monitoringsystem based on AL.VIS software for monitoring the mineral water quality and quantity

Thüringer Landesanstalt für Umwelt und Geologie

Development of a concept for data exchange between several environmental databases in Thuringia

Landesbetrieb für Hochwasserschutz und Wasserwirtschaft Sachsen-Anhalt

Implementation of the digital dyke cadastre for Saxona-Anhalt

Thüringer Landesanstalt für Umwelt und Geologie

Programming of interfaces for data exchange between several environmental databases in Thuringia


Thüringer Landesanstalt für Umwelt und Geologie

Development of a digital bibliography for geological journals for Thuringia

World Bank

Development of the concept for a warning and information system for closed and abandoned mining objects in Romania


Sächsisches Oberbergamt

Development of the closed and abandoned mines cadastre and database management system for Saxony

Landestalsperrenverwaltung des Freistaates Sachsen

Implemetation of the digital dyke cadastre for Saxony

European Commission, TACIS Project

Development of the architecture for a web-based warning and information system for the Ob-Irtysh-river basin in western Siberia


Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt

Development of a concept for the geological and mining cadastre of Saxony-Anhalt

Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt

Development of a web-based well data base for Saxony-Anhalt

Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt

Development of a web-based software for managing image or photo files

2007 - 2010

RMGC - Rosia Montana Gold Corporation, Romania

Implementation of AL.VIS/Timeseries for a gold mining project in Romania

2006 - today

Thüringer Landesanstalt für Umwelt und Geologie

Hosting of a Geodata server with portal functions for monitoring data of the Wismut-Project for the state Authorities in Saxony an Thuringia


AL.VIS\Objects for Landestalsperrenverwaltung des Freistaates Sachsen

Implementation of a web-based information system for managing data of objects at rivers and water reservoirs like dykes, weires or dams in the Saxon State Authority for Water Reservoirs


European Commission, PHARE Project

Implementation of a web-based data management system based on AL.VIS for a mine remediation project in the Caucasus mountains

2005 - today

Landestalsperrenverwaltung des Freistaates Sachsen

Time series management system: In the Saxon State Authority for Water Reservoirs an application was implemented for managing all time-series monitoring data for objects at rivers and water reservoirs in an information system, including QA-routines for the data import.

2002 - today

Wismut GmbH

Developing and implementation of the web-based Information system AL.VIS for monitoring and technical data for the Wismut remediation Project in Saxony and Thuringia: The AL.Vis system is used as a company information system for all data and information which are relevant for managing the uranium remediation project

  • Address:
    als Zweigniederlassung der G.E.O.S. Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
    Jagdschänkenstraße 50
    09117 Chemnitz

  • Phone: +49 (0) 371-270 940 -50

  • Email: info@wisutec.de


AL.VIS software is developed by